The effect profile of BRĒZ is part of what makes it unique. All cannabinoids in BRĒZ are naturally derived from the hemp variety of cannabis. None of the cannabinoids in BRĒZ are synthetics converted from CBD isolate. The full-spectrum entourage effect is very balanced and wholesome.
The active ingredients are nano-emulsified, so the user will experience the onset of effects as soon as 1 minute after drinking, but no later than 10-15 minutes after.
Each 7.5 oz BRĒZ Lemon can contains:
- 2.5mg THC
- 5mg CBD
- 2.5mg minor cannabinoids (CBC, CBN, CBG, CBT & more)
- 1,600mg of Lion’s Mane, the fruiting body of the mushroom
Each 12 oz BRĒZ Lemon can contains:- 5mg THC
- 10mg CBD
- 5mg minor cannabinoids (CBC, CBN, CBG, CBT & more)
- 3,200mg of Lion’s Mane, the fruiting body of the mushroom